Catch a last breath before you go to sleep
trying not to lose yourself while everything in this room is pitch black
Everything you stood for is fading away.
Slowly, you start to realize
Hold on
Look back and see what you've got
Isn't it beautiful what you build up?
Why try to destroy it now?
Im Wandel der Zeit
change of time
Kreisende Gedanken
eines womöglich Geisteskranken
verloren in der Abstellkammer seiner Träume
Circling thoughts
of a possibly insane man
lost in the closet of his dreams
[Out of Season]
Guten Morgen, All die Sorgen
Herr Wunderlich ist auf dem Weg uns zu besuchen
Langsam können wir seine Schritte hören
Wer wird er wohl heute zum Narren krönen
Für eine Tasse Tee war er wohl noch nie gekommen
Nur um uns die Träume zu nehmen nach denen wir uns sehnen
Verschwommen erahnen wir seine Statur und sein Gesicht,
bevor unser Leben für immer erlischt
Good morning, All the worries
Mr. Wunderlich is on his way to visit us
Slowly we can hear his footsteps
Who do you think he'll crown a fool today
For just a cup of tea he has never come before
Only to take away the dreams we long for
Blurred we guess his stature and face,
Before our lives are extinguished forever
Wake up, wake up
Its time
Time to move on
Tiny pieces of you will always remain.
Time to build up disasters
[Morning glow]
Hold me tight before I lose myself
in this sea of madness
Reach my hand
I beg you to stop the time
once more again
1 Kommentar:
When are you going to post again? :D
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